A Stronger Neighborhood in a COVID-19 World
We’ve noticed an unexpected phenomenon during the awful pandemic: despite social distancing, our neighborhood has actually become closer.
Read MoreWe’ve noticed an unexpected phenomenon during the awful pandemic: despite social distancing, our neighborhood has actually become closer.
Read MoreHere's an idea! What if we built a cute little stand in front of our house and invited neighbors to use it to share veggies and other cool stuff? Here's how we did it.
Read MoreGrowing our own food has an unexpected side benefit: A way to connect with our neighbors.
Read MoreI'm all about community building and neighborly love. It strengthens social bonds, increases safety and convenience, and hey, it's more fun! But what if neighbors refuse to talk to each other?
Read MoreWe are in the process of learning how to live in a new home, a new city. My wife wanted to move back to her hometown in Southern California to live near her family. She proposed that we leave the Bay Area for a year or so and live in the house she grew up in. I would finally have a house to fix up, something I've wanted for a while. So I agreed and now, about a year after making that agreement, here we are. We knew from the outset that moving to the LA area would be challenging...
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